这个在拥有「天空之鏡」不是在国外,而是近在眼前的Kuala Selangor!坐落在沙沙兰(Sasaran)海滩,由一大片浅滩形成, 经过大退潮之后在阳光的照射下就有犹如魔术般,浅滩形成一面镜子清楚反映天空的倒影,好像瞬间把世界切成一半了~ 优美的秘境绝对可以媲美玻利维亚乌尤尼盐湖(Uyuni Salt Flat)的「天空之镜」!仿佛就像走在如画的风景般, 从而创造出许多独特的摄影机会,絕對是最佳半日游或一日游的好去处!
This "Sky Mirror" is not in a foreign country, but right in front of you in Kuala Selangor! Located on Sasaran Beach, it is formed by a large shallow beach. After the big low tide, under the sunlight, it is like magic. The shallow beach forms a mirror that clearly reflects the reflection of the sky, as if the world is cut in half in an instant~ This beautiful secret place is definitely comparable to the "Sky Mirror" of Uyuni Salt Flat in Bolivia! It's like walking in a picturesque scenery, creating many unique photography opportunities. It is definitely the best place for a half-day or full-day trip!